Gateway Troubleshooting
Gateway error messages normally display at the bottom of your gateway Referral Form, other errors may display as Vision 3 messages.
Please see below details on how to troubleshoot some known issues with gateways:

Check the patient’s registered GP has a GMC code set up in Control Panel - File Maintenance - Staff.

There is an issue with the pre-population of the Smoking, Alcohol and Exercise status dropdown questions which can also generate the same error message. The solution for this is to not pre-populate the smoking, alcohol and exercise questions but to use examination type questions instead, which also allows for the inclusion of any free text.
You should check the pre-population of the following in turn:
- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Exercise

If you see this error message on the patient web form, please contact the Cegedim Healthcare Solutions Helpline.

As you may be aware, Vision 3 allows historical data to be recorded using an incomplete date format, for example, a history entry may have an event date of 1999 or 02/1999. Your gateway requires all information that is included in a Referral to have a date format of dd/mm/yyyy. Vision 3 can annotate any entries with an incomplete date format with 01. Below is listed how various partial date scenarios are resolved.

- Date in Vision 3: Not Known
- Date passed to your gateway: 01/01/1900
- Comment passed to your gateway: "[DATE of EVENT UNKNOWN] free text comment up to the length limit of 198 characters"

- Date in Vision 3: 1994
- Date passed to your gateway: 01/01/1994
- Comment passed to your gateway: "[YEAR OF EVENT 1994] free text comment up to length limit of 198 characters"

- Date in Vision 3: 02/1999
- Date passed to your gateway: 01/02/1999
- Comment passed to your gateway: "[MONTH AND YEAR OF EVENT 02/1999] free text comment up to length limit of 198 characters"

- Date in Vision 3 on: 17/08/2003
- Date passed to your gateway: 17/08/2003
- Comment Passed to your gateway: "[TRUNCATED] free text comments up to length limit of 198 characters"

- Date in Vision 3: 02/1987
- Date passed to your gateway: 01/02/1987
- Comment passed to your gateway: "[TRUNCATED][MONTH AND YEAR OF EVENT 02/1987] free text comments up to length limit of 198 characters"