GP2GP Message Errors
If a GP2GP message goes into error, right click on the Record Transfer and select Reprocess, to solve the issue.
To reduce the number of transmission errors:
- Ensure that any attachment documents are as compact as possible. Word processing documents can be very large, especially if they incorporate images or pictures in the header or background. You are strongly advised to remove any embedded images in any word processor generated letters that are attached to the core clinical records. If possible, attached word processing documents should be text only.
- Not all formats are supported in attachments, see Processing Degraded Data - England for a list of those supported. If you send an unsupported attachment, a text placeholder is sent to the receiving practice.
If a GP2GP message is not sent within 60 minutes a task is automatically created to notify members of the GP2GP group. The task is based on a system template. The details of the transmission error is contained in the comment section.
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