New Practices Preparing for SCR
The National Summary facility is being rolled out gradually across the NHS. You are informed by your ICB when your practice has met all the requirements needed to participate in the National Summary scheme and when your allocated date of commencement will be.
Prior to your date of commencement you need to ensure you have Role Based Access Control (RBAC) fully enabled at your practice. RBAC has been in place for some time without directly affecting your access to specific functions in Vision 3. However, RBAC becomes a compulsory part of Vision 3 once SCR 2.1 is installed. This means that once you login to Vision 3 with your Smartcard, your access to Vision 3 modules and functions is dictated by the roles and functions that are stored on your Smartcard (whether you login on or offline).
Practices who have EPS R2 enabled are already using RBAC, but need to ensure the relevant SCR roles and functions are added to their Smartcards.