Activating Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)
To activate Electronic Prescription Service (EPS):
Important - System settings are practice wide.
- From the Vision 3 Front Screen, select Options - Setup.
- Select the System tab:
Complete the EPS2 section as follows:
- Enable Electronic Private Prescribing - Leave unticked, private prescriptions are not yet permitted via EPS.
- Enable Electronic Schedule 2 And 3 Prescribing - Ticked by default to enable the sending of schedule 2 and 3 controlled drugs.
- Phase - Select from:
- Phase 3 (Deployed Disabled) - (also known as EPS2 Phase 3 (Deployed Disabled)) Produces dual electronic and paper prescribing where the paper is the legal entity.
- Phase 3 - Recommended (also known as EPS 2). Produces electronic prescriptions with tokens. The message is the legal entity. Note - You must ensure you have ICS permission to select Phase 3.
- Phase 4 - Activation details for Phase 4 to be confirmed by NHS England. By default, prescription is electronic only. The message is the legal entity and you can send prescriptions irrespective of nomination.
Select OK to save.
See RBAC Roles for the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) for details.
Important - When a new prescribing clinician joins your practice, it is vital that they sign in using their Smartcard so details can be activated. Until the new prescribing clinician signs in to Vision 3 with their Smartcard, any prescriptions they issue are not EPS compliant and do not have bar codes.
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