Physiological Measurements

Select Summary - Physiological Measurements for the Physiological Measurements Summary Form; or from the Consultation View (or press F10), select Examination - Physiological Measurements.

This has fewer data entries: Temperature, Respiration, Pulse (CVS/BP), BP, JVP, Heart examination, Weight, Height, Peak Flow.

Point to an entry, click the right mouse button and choose Item View(display full details of the entry), Edit (amend the entry), Delete (delete an entry), List (list all entries in that category), or for numerical entries, Graph.

To add an entry, point to a prompt, click with the right mouse and select Add. This displays an -Add screen for the entry.

As you complete and click OK for each screen, the next screen is automatically displayed. Skip a screen by clicking on Next. A green tick means there is already an entry at this prompt; a red cross means no entry yet.

To close and exit, either select Close .