Community Views Patient Record

Community staff have their own guidelines which are incorporated into seven Patient Record views, one view per professional group.

These can be selected from Consultation - Options - Setup - Patient Record - Views - Standard system-distributed options. When you select a view, a copy is made for My Personalised Settings (eg, Copy of District Nursing). This remains the chosen view for you, as the user signed on, until you re-select another view. You can change the view either from copies under My Personalised Settings, or by selecting a new view from Standard system-distributed options.

Each view has an Alerts pane, Data entry pane, and Data View pane with tabs for Appointments, Patient Select, Patient Details and different tabs with guidelines for Shared Information (display information), Shared Information (data entry) (see Community Shared Information guidelines), Activities of Daily Living (display information), and Activities of Daily Living (data entry) (see Activities of Daily Living guidelines), as well as specific guidelines depending on the professional group.

To select a Patient Record view, go to Consultation - Options - Setup and click on the Patient Record tab. Click on Use Vision 3 Framework. In the long window under Views, select Standard-distributed options. Scroll down to highlight the view you want. Click on OK. This view will now always be displayed when you select a patient, when you are signed on.