Guidelines/Reports Design - Insert new line
First display the required report template in design mode, with Design mode/Maintenance on .
To insert a new line in a report:
- If you click on an icon on the floating toolbar, this item will be added after the currently highlighted line (the one framed with a faint line above and below). The exception to this is a second Text line, which will be added on the same line in the next "column".
- Highlight the line after which you want a line inserted. Click on
from the floating toolbar. Note that for Text lines, you will need to go to the next line with this method, if you want to add a second text line. Otherwise, it will be added in a second "column" on the same line (see Text).
- You can also click on a floating toolbar icon and drag it across to the line in the report, in which case it will insert before that line that you released the mouse on.
- From the floating toolbar, click on one of the icons such as Sub-heading
. This is inserted after the currently selected line. The default properties of the line can later be amended, if required.
- From the floating toolbar, drag one of the icons, such as the Sub-heading, to the report and release the mouse over a line. The item is inserted before the line on which the mouse was released.
Remember - Before adding a Patient Data or Supportive Text line, you may want first to enter a Sub-heading (see the examples in Quick Summary - Add a new Report).
Note - To print this topic select Print
in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.