Options at Select Guideline Screen - View, Print, Copy, Import, Triggers
From the Select Guideline by Mnemonic/READ Term screen, you have the following options:
- View - First display the list of guidelines in the left-hand window of the Select Guidelines screen. Highlight the guideline you want, then click on View to display the guideline initially collapsed. You can also double click on it to view. See Local Guideline Features.
- Print - Click to highlight a guideline from the list, then click on Print. To print several guidelines, hold the Control key down and click to highlight the ones you want. Click on Print.
- Print Group - You can print guidelines for individual members of a group, see Printing a Report for details.
- Edit and Copy - To edit or copy locally generated guidelines only, click to highlight a guideline, then click on Edit or Copy.
- Delete - Click on a locally generated guideline, then click on Delete.
- Triggers - Highlight a guideline, then click on Triggers if you want to add a further READ term or terms to act as a trigger for that guideline, see Triggering Guidelines By Clinical Terms for details.
- New - To create a new locally generated guidelines, click on New (see the separate Reports and Guidelines Maintenance).
- Import - You can import guidelines from an external source, see Downloading and Importing Local Guidelines for details, Vision 3 users exchange guidelines quite readily.
To select a guideline by clinical term, see Selecting Guidelines for details.
Note - To print this topic select Print
in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.