Moving Panes Within Daybook

From Daybook- View there is a padlock option:

  • Lock window layout - Unlocked - You can change the positions of the panes.
  • Lock window layout - Locked - The panes are locked and cannot be moved.

To rearrange the various panes within your personal Daybook screen:

  1. Ensure the padlock button is Unlocked , if not select Locked to release it.
  2. Click, hold and drag the pane you wish to move.
  3. Compass type arrows appear in the middle and at the edges of the screen.

  4. Drop the pane you want to move on to the arrow displaying the position you require.
  5. Repeat the moving process until the screen displays the way you require.
  6. Select Unlocked to save the screen.

Once saved Locked displays in gold.

Select Reset to return the view to the default settings.

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.