Scheduling a Practice or QOF/QAIF List

You can schedule to run a practice list or QOF/QAIF report in Practice Reports, to do this:

Running a Report

When you select a Practice or QOF/QAIF List 'Do you want to run this practice list now for the report date dd/mm/yyyy, or schedule it to run in the next 24 hours?' displays:

Select from:

  • Run now - To run the report. The report screen displays with a progress bar.

    Training Tip - To run a report for call and recall invite purposes, you must select Run now.
  • Schedule - To schedule the report in the next 24 hours. From the Schedule screen, enter a start time in the next 24 hours to run the report.

    Training Tip - This must be set using the 24 hour clock, for example, for 4pm use 16:00.

    You can continue working and the report runs as scheduled. After a report is complete it displays in the Practice Reports - Last Run screen.

  • Cancel - To exit the confirmation screen.

Last Run Reports

Once a report has been run as scheduled it displays in the Practice Reports - Last Run screen, see Last Run for details.

Important - Be aware of the date and time when viewing a report using the Last Run screen. The data is correct as of that time and needs to be run again if you need a more up to date report.

Scheduling Multiple Reports

To schedule multiple reports simply select the required report and select Schedule as above.

Note - Reports scheduled to run at the same time run one after the other.

If you select a report to run that has already been scheduled, the 'This practice list has already been scheduled to run on DD/MM/YYYY at HH:MM:SS. Do you want to cancel this schedule?' message displays:

Select either:

  • Yes - To cancel the schedule, or

  • No - To keep the original schedule.

Scheduling Error

If you select to run a practice list report that is currently running as scheduled the following error displays:

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.