Incoming (Wrong TP) Rejection

An Incoming Rejection (REF) from the TP, displays on Incoming Transactions, it is only generated if the GP has generated an Acceptance Transaction for a new patient but specified the wrong TP. The patient's record is placed in a suspended file until the GP re-accepts this rejection. See Rejection Transactions REF/REG.

To process an In-coming Rejection:

  1. From the Vision 3 front screen, select Messaging - Registration Links .
  2. Select Transactions Management .
  3. Select Incoming Transactions.
  4. Highlight the Rejection and select Process.
  5. The In-coming Rejection screen displays:

  6. Select Re-accept.
  7. The Notes on Re-acceptance screen displays:

  8. Complete as follows:
    • GP Notes - Enter a free text note
    • TP/CSA/HB - Select your TP/HB/CSA
    • Registered TP - The registered GP is the patient's current registered GP
  9. Select OK to save and close.
  10. Now select Close to return to the Incoming Transactions screen.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.