SCI Stores - Editing Login Details

To add or update log in details:

    1. From Control Panel - Mail Maintenance - SCI Store, right click on the store required.
    2. Select Edit.
    3. The SCI Store - Edit screen displays:

      Complete as follows:

      • Name - The name of the SCI Store, which is not editable.

      • Log-in Id - Specified by the Local SCI Store administrator at each Health Board.

      • SCI Practice Id - Some SCI Stores use the National Practice Identifier to identify practices, in which case leave blank. Other SCI Stores use their own internal Id for identifying practices. Where this is the case, the Local SCI Store administrator is responsible for informing each practice of their practice Id.

      • Download - Tick to retrieve pathology test results during the Mail Gateway process.

    4. Select OK to save.

  • Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.