View or Print Existing Formulary

To view or print an existing formulary.

  1. From the Vision 3 front screen, select Utilities - Drug Dictionary; or from the menu choose Modules, then Drug Dictionary Utilities:

    The Drug Dictionary Utilities screen displays.
  2. Select View Formulary Contents:

  3. The Drug Formulary displays for viewing. If required select Print:

  4. The Print Drug Formulary pop-up displays. Before printing you can choose to sort the drugs:
    • Drug Class - This is a hierarchical order of drugs by class.
    • Drug Name - An alphabetical list by drug name:

  5. Optionally, update the Print Range to select which pages to print.
  6. Select OK to proceed.
    Optionally, print pages 1 to 1 to make sure the report is what you require.
See Manage Formulary for details.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.