Visit Request

A patient has phoned to say he is suffering severe abdominal pains and needs an urgent GP visit:


  • From Daybook, press <F2> to create a new task.
  • Select Template (or leave default), select the patient, leave Due date as today, set Priority to Urgent, from To select all the practice GP's, add Comments "Suffering from abdominal pains and needs urgent visit" and select OK.


  • From Daybook, select the To-do tab.
  • Select the new task (sent to the GP's group) by double clicking on it.
  • Select Accept and select I shall deal with this task, assign it exclusively to me select OK.
  • Select Add Comment and enter Can be with the patient in 30 mins, select OK and then Close.

Clinician on return from visit

  • From Daybook - To-Do tab double click on the same task and select Complete.
  • Enter comments if required, select OK to save and complete the task.
  • Select Close.


  • You can see from Daybook which clinician has accepted the task and are notified when it is completed.