Unmatched - Incoming Approval

An Approval in the Error file indicates that an acceptance has been received but it could not be matched to a patient. You need find the patient in Registration by searching on the CHI number and dependent on their registration status do one of the following:

  • Permanent - If the patient is Permanent it means the patient is already accepted and is on your practice list. The approval in the error file may be a duplicate so all you need to do is delete it.

    To delete the error:

    1. From Registration Links , select Transactions Management .
    2. Select Error File and then Process.
    3. Highlight the error required and select Process.
    4. Now, simply select Delete.
  • Applied - If the patient is still Applied it means they are not yet registered with your practice and you need to security approve the patient.

    To security approve the patient:

    1. From Registration , select Security - Approve Patient.

    2. Select the patient required and the Security Approved screen displays.
    3. Enter the patient's CHI number and select OK.
    4. You now need to delete the error, from Registration Links , select Transactions Management .
    5. Select Error File and then Process.
    6. Highlight the error required and select Process.
    7. Now, simply select Delete.
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