Unmatched - Incoming Approval
An Approval in the Error file indicates that an acceptance has been received but it could not be matched to a patient. You need find the patient in Registration by searching on the NHS/H+C number and dependent on their registration status do one of the following:
If the patient is Permanent it means the patient has already been accepted and is on your practice list. The approval in the error file may be a duplicate so all you need to do is delete it.
To delete the error:
- From Registration Links , select Transactions Management .
- Select Error File and then Process.
- Highlight the error required and select Process.
- Now, simply select Delete.
If the patient is still Applied it means they are not yet registered with your practice and you need to security approve the patient.
- From Registration , select Security - Approve Patient:
- Select the patient required and the Security Approved screen displays.
- Enter the patient's NHS/H+C/CHI number and select OK.
- You now need to delete the error, from Registration Links , select Transactions Management .
- Select Error File and then Process.
- Highlight the error required and select Process.
- Now, simply select Delete.