Deduction Request Transaction DER

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, your practice can generate a outgoing Deduction Request transaction for a patient registered with a linked TP.

There are two possible scenarios for a Deduction Request Transaction:

  • To advise the TP that you want a patient deducted because you know they have left or died, ie for one of these Deduction reasons: Death of Patient, Patient Left Area, Patient Embarkation.
  • To ask the TP to deduct the patient as a result of a FP69 Notification transaction (see FP69 Prior Notification FPN).

To generate a Deduction Request, from Registration , select Action - Request Patient be Deducted.

Note the following:

  • The Deduction Request reason can be either Death, Embarkation or Left Area.
  • When entering the Deduction Date, this must reflect the date of the event, not the deduction request. If the transferred out reason is death, then you should manually enter the date of death, rather than the date of the record. Similarly, for Embarkation or Left Area, the date the patient moved away should be entered. If these dates are not known, an approximate date should be entered, and a free text explanation must be entered in GP Notes.