Running a Quarterly Archive in England & Wales

Note - You are no longer required to run a Quarterly Archive in England and Wales.

Before you run a Quarterly Archive:

To run a Quarterly Archive:

  1. Select Archive - Quarterly Archive. If this option is disabled, then either the Quarterly Archive is not due, look on the Daily Status screen to see if it is, or you have not cleared all the outstanding transactions:

  2. Select Process and the Quarter Archive selection screen displays:

  3. Select the quarter to archive, then from Select TPs to Archive, highlight the TP if you have more than one:

  4. Select OK and the Registration Links - Archive screen displays.

  5. Select OK and select a destination folder:

  6. Archiving begins, and a progress chart displays. When finished, a 'Quarterly Archive complete' message displays:

  7. Select OK and the Quarterly Capitation Report and Certificates print.

As a result of carrying out the Quarterly Archive:

  • All relevant Completed Transactions for the quarter are archived, as well as any matching Approval, Rejection or Security Approval.
  • All Completed Transactions delete as well as any matching Approval, Rejection or Security Approvals. An exception is completed DEF Deduction transactions which move to the on-line archive file in case they are needed to be used for incoming Medical Records Flag Removal (MRF) transaction matching.

After the archive:

The Quarterly Archive archives Completed Transactions file to be performed separately for each individual TP that the practice is linked to.

The Quarterly Archive produces the required Quarterly Certificates and Quarterly Capitation Reports both for each GP and each TP, a copy of which should be sent to each respective TP:

  • Quarterly Certificates represent a summary of the Links Registration activity for each GP and each TP with which the practice has registered patients.
  • The Quarterly Capitation Reports represent an age/sex patient capitation breakdown of each GP for each TP with which the Quarterly Archive for that TP must be undertaken.

Previously, the figures on the Quarterly Capitation Report generated by the practice have differed from those at the TP for various reasons: the date of the quarterly archive did not always correspond to the end of the Registration Quarter; outstanding deductions and outstanding amendments of changes of GP around the quarter end dates; ill-defined age ranges for capitation reports; the quarterly archive not being performed immediately after all Acceptance transactions with Acceptance Dates up to and including the second day of the new quarter have been matched with a corresponding acknowledgement.

This has led to the TP not being able to reconcile the Quarterly Certificates accompanying the Quarterly Capitation Reports. Introducing the Close Quarter Notification Transaction should solve this.

Consequently, the Quarterly Capitation Report:

  • Excludes patients with a date of acceptance after the second day of the new quarter. Patients with a date of acceptance equal to the second day of the new quarter are included on the capitation report.
  • Excludes patients with a date of Deduction either prior to or equal to the last day of the quarter being archived. Included are patients marked as deceased if no Notification of Deduction has yet been received for that patient from the TP.

Immediately after a TP has closed a Registration Quarter:

  • They start to approve Acceptance transactions from linked practices dated in the new quarter. Some may already have been approved within Registration before the quarterly archive is run. These are not archived and the corresponding patients not included in the capitation counts.
  • They start to generate Deduction Transactions with Deduction Dates in the new Registration quarter. Some may already have been applied within Registration before the quarterly archive is run. These are not archived in the subsequent archive.

The Quarterly Archive removes the corresponding Close Quarter Notification transaction from the "Close Quarter Notification" file at the end of processing the archive.

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