Security Settings

To update Password and Login security settings for all users:

  1. From Management Tools - Security, select Actions - Security Settings.

  2. The Security Settings screen displays:

    Complete as follows:

    • Expiry Interval - Set an interval for passwords to expire, between:

      • 30 and 90 days in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

      • 90 days in Scotland.

    • Make the entry as 30D (30 days) or 90D (90 days).

      Note - This functionality is not available once a staff member updates to Enhanced Security, see Enhanced Security in the Vision 3Front Screen Help Centre for details.
    • Minimum Length - 6 is the minimum number of characters for a password. 12 is a maximum number of characters.

    • Date Passwords Expire - Sets a global date for password expiry. This can be useful in the event of a security violation. Passwords created before the date entered expire on this date and staff are forced to create a new password before accessing the system.

    • Login Retries - The number of times a user may attempt to login before the login process is suspended. By default, this is set to 3. The minimum is 1 and the maximum is 99.
    • Show list of users - Tick to display a list of staff on the log in screen. If you leave this unticked, the staff member must type in their username as well as their password.
    • Lock out user when login failed "retries" times - Tick to retain the number of failed attempts and lock the staff member out if they exceed the Login Retries. Only a System Administrator can then clear failed log ins. See Clearing Failed Logins for details.
      Note - All users can be logged out by this method, so it is important that more than one user has access to the Security module, so that he/she can unlock the other user when they are locked out.
  3. Select OK to save.

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