Adding and Removing Users and Groups from Vision Functions

Within Control Panel - Security, the quickest way to add a user or group to a Vision Function is to click, drag and drop a user or group from the left pane on to the required Vision Function on the right.

Alternatively, from within the Vision Function pane, right click the function required and select either:

  • Add User(s) to Function - To select individual user(s) to be added to a function.
  • Add Group(s) to Function - To select a group to be added to a function.
Training Tip - You can select more than one user or group at a time by holding down the <Ctrl> key and selecting on the items you require, or a block of users or groups by selecting the top one in the list required, holding the <Shift> key and selecting the bottom one in the list required.

To remove a user or group from a Vision Function, highlight the user or group, right click and select either:

  • Remove User from Function, or

  • Remove Group from Function.

An example of restricting access to a Vision function:

If, for example, you want to allow access to Registration for some staff, so they can register permanent and temporary patients, but you do not want these staff to access the Security transactions, as this allows them to deduct patients.

  1. From the Vision 3 front screen, select Management Tools - Control Panel - Security.
  2. Create two groups:
    • A group of users who can access everything in Registration, and
    • A group who can update records but cannot access Security transactions in Registration.
To create groups, see Add a new group - point to one of the groups, for example, All Users, in the bottom left-hand pane and right click, Add Group, give it a name (4-10 characters) and description, then add each user relevant to the group.
  1. On the right-hand side under Vision Functions , select and expand the Registration section.  By default, the group All Users is immediately below, unless you have previously altered this.
  2. Right click on All Users and select Remove Group from Function.
  3. Right click on All Users again and add in the group who are allowed to do everything.
  4. Select Registration - Read Only, to expand that section and then right click on Update Patient Records and select Add User to Function, or Add Group to Function, and select your restricted group.

  5. Select Save.

For the users in the restricted group, Security (Transactions) no longer displays in Registration, but they can still update and add patient details.

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