Clinics Tab

The Clinics tab enables you to determine which Clinics (ad-hoc sessions that are not linked to a specific clinician) are available to your patients online.

To add clinics:

  1. From the Vision Online Services Appointments Configuration screen, select the Clinics tab.
  2. The All Clinics box is ticked by default, to change this to specific clinics, remove the tick.

    Online Services -Appointment Configuration - Clinics - Add

  3. Click Add .
  4. The Vision Online Services Select Clinic screen displays.

    Online Services Select Clinic

  5. Select the required clinic from the list and click OK.
  6. Repeat step 4 and 5 until you have added all the clinics you require.
  7. If you have selected all the clinics in the list you are prompted: "All available clinics have been added to the list.", click OK to continue.

To remove a clinic from the list:

  1. From Vision Online Services Appointments Configuration screen, select the Clinics tab.
  2. Highlight the clinic to remove.
  3. Click Remove.
  4. You are prompted: "Are you sure that you want to remove (name of clinic) from the list? - Click Yes to remove.
    Note - To create and setup Clinics refer to Vision Appointments On-screen help.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.