Running an Archive in Mail Manager

Mail Manager - Housekeeping (0.53)

You should be running a manual archive at least once a week, daily is even better:

  1. From Mail Manager , select File - Archive.
  2. The Archive Messages screen displays:

    Complete as required:

    •  From Date / To Date - The default has the From Date open ended and the To Date defaults to one month ago, update as required.
    • Incoming/Outgoing- By default, both incoming and outgoing messages are archived. Remove the tick to exclude incoming or outgoing messages from the archive. Incoming message must have been read for them to be archived.
    • Archive messages with outstanding actions - By default, this is not ticked, so messages with outstanding actions are not archived. Tick to include messages with outstanding actions in this archive.
    • Archive unassigned messages - By default, this is not ticked, so messages that have not been assigned to a patient are not archived. Tick to include messages without assigned patients in this archive.
    • Match using the following additional criteria:
      • Archive only those messages allocated to me - Selected by default, only those messages allocated to the current user archive.
      • Archive all messages to which I have rights - Select to allow messages to which the you have rights (those appearing on the Staff tab) to archive.
      • Archive messages allocated to the following people - Select to archive messages for specific members of staff.
        • If selected you must select staff members from the list below, the list is of mailboxes that you have rights to view. Use Control-click to make multiple selections.
      • Archive all message types - Selected by default, all message types archive.
      • Archive only the following message types: - Select to specify the message type to archive.
        • If selected you must select message types to archive. Use Control-click to make multiple selections.
    • Match using the following additional criteria - Selected by default, this enables you to apply additional criteria to the messages included in your archive:
      • Archive all message types
      • Archive only the following message types - Select if required and then select from the available list.
  3. Select Archive. A progress bar displays how many messages have been archived, plus the total message count to be archived.
  4. Finally an Archive complete message displays with an option to run another archive, select No to close.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.