Filtering by type of message

Some message types are generated automatically and do not require any input in Mail Manager. You can therefore filter out the following message types:

  • Incoming Audit Messages
  • PDS Updates
  • Sent Electronic Prescriptions
  • Sent GP Summary Messages

To filter out these message types:

  1. From Mail Manager , select Tools - Options.
  2. Select the Message tab:

  3. Untick the message type you do not want to display. We recommend you untick all options so that only unsuccessful/error messages are shown, and successful messages are hidden, this improves performance and declutters your screen.
  4. Select OK to save.

Any message matching the selected message type that has a status of completed or sent is now filtered from view.

To view messages by message category see Mail Category Filters.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.