Filtering Mail by Category

You can filter incoming mail by category:

  1. From Mail Manager , within either the Staff and Patients tabs, select Mail Categories .
  2. A list of the message categories displays:


Message Types

Administrative Mail

Message Withdrawal Notification

PDS Update

Application Acknowledgement



Advice responses from an electronic referral


Community and Out of Hours

Community Care Report

Out of Hours Report

Shared Care Update

OOH Patient Alert

Out of Practice Report


GP Summary

GP Summary Initial

GP Summary



Record Transfer Request

Record Transfer Request Rejection

Record Transfer Acknowledgement

Record Transfer Rejection

GP2GP Legacy Request

Record Transfer - No longer used

GP2GP Request

GP2GP Patient Notes

GP2GP Request Acknowledgement


Hospital Reports

In Patient Report

Out Patient Report

Hospital Report

Discharge Summary


Online Prescription

Repeat Prescription Requests


Other Clinical

Repeat Prescription Requests


Patient Mail

Mail from patient

Patient Task List


Pharmacy and Prescribing

Electronic Prescription

ePharmacy: Registration

ePharmacy: Compliance

ePharmacy: Treatment Summary Report




Results and Investigation

Investigation Request

Investigation Report

Investigation Report - Scotland

SCI Pathology - Scotland


SCI Diabetic Care (Scotland Only)



Scottish Cervical Call Recall Service (SCCRS) - (Scotland Only)

Bowel Screening System

  1. Simply select the category to view any messages of that type.