Practice Consent

Explicit consent must be given before any automatic collection can be made. The first time you use CPRD, you are presented with CPRD Auto Collection Consent screen. This must be completed:

  • Consent - Select:
    • Given to allow automatic data collection, or
    • Not given to refuse to allow automatic data collection.

Consent takes effect next time auto collection is run. If consent is not given you need to send manual collections as before.

  • Collection Frequency - There are two options with regards to how often your data is sent:
    • Daily (Only select this option if requested to do so by CPRD) - The automatic data collection is run each day. If a Daily frequency has been selected, you must ensure that DLM is scheduled daily and Mail Gateway is running overnight.
    • Monthly - The automatic data collection is run on a certain day each month.
  • Collection Day - If you select to send your data monthly, a designated day is calculated and entered here. If you need to change this day, please contact CPRD first. If the calculated collection day is changed you can restore the original day by selecting Reset. If, for whatever reason, the collection process is not run on the designated day, it automatically runs as part of the next DLM.
  • Last collection date - The date of the last collection. The Last collection date can be cleared to force another collection for the same month, but this should not be done without the advice of the Cegedim Healthcare Solutions Helpline or CPRD.

Consent can be changed at anytime. To change consent:

  1. From the Vision 3 3 front screen, select Modules - CPRD Data Collection - Options - Change Auto Collection Consent:

  2. The CPRD Auto Collection Consent screen displays and should be completed as above.