Setup - System

The Setup - System screen is where specific practice wide settings are set up.

Important - You can only update the System screen if all other users are logged out of Vision 3 and you are logged in as a System Administrator.
  1. From the Vision 3 Front Screen, select Options - Setup.
  2. Select the System tab:

    Complete as required:

    • Select Country - Select the country where your practice is based - England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. This is particularly relevant for prescription printing where there are some differences.
      Important - Please do not select Region unless specifically asked to do so.
    • Select Registration Links:
      • Registration Links - Tick if your practice has Registration Links or Partners.
      • NCRS Services -England only - Tick if you are connecting to the National Spine.
    • Other Options:
      • Referral Message Digest - England only - Tick to enable the Referral Message Digest for eReferral bookings. Referral Message Digest is a summary record for a patient where it is easy to add or remove data before sending a referral. Once enabled, you can configure the data selection options from Auto Selection Options, in Consultation Manager - Consultation - Options - Setup - Management.
      • Palliative Care Extract - Scotland only - Tick to enable the Palliative Care Extract.
    • EPS 2 - England only:
      • Enable electronic private prescribing - Please do not select this option as it is not yet permitted to send private drugs via EPS.
      • Enable electronic schedule 2 and 3 prescribing - This will be updated automatically when appropriate.
      • Phases for EPS 2:
        • Disabled - Paper prescribing only.
        • Phase 3 (Deployed Disabled) - Dual electronic and paper prescribing where the paper is the legal entity.
        • Phase 3 - Also known as EPS Release 2. Electronic prescription with token. The message is the legal entity. Your practice cannot be enabled for this functionality until you have been instructed by your CCG, who need ministerial approval, to go ahead.
        • Phase 4 - By default, prescription is electronic only. The message is the legal entity and you can send prescriptions irrespective of nomination. Activation details for Phase 4 to be confirmed by NHS Digital.
  3. Select OK to save.

Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.