Maximum Number of Repeats
Within Vision 3, you can set a maximum number of issues that can be attributed to a Repeat Master.
This can be set as a practice wide or a prescriber setting depending on your practice protocols:
Practice Wide Setting
To apply a practice wide maximum issue number:
From the Vision 3 front screen, select Management Tools - Control Panel - File Maintenance - Settings .
The Therapy screen displays. Practice wide medication settings are added and maintained here including the practice wide Repeat Limit:
Enter the maximum number of repeats anyone in your practice can authorise in Repeat Limit. By default:
England, Wales and Northern Ireland - Defaults to 366, update as required with a maximum of 999.
Scotland - Defaults to 99, update as required with a maximum of 99.
Select OK to save.
Prescriber Setting
To apply a maximum issue number by prescriber:
From the Vision 3 front screen, select Consultation Manager .
Select Consultation - Options - Setup and then the Therapy tab.
In Repeat Limit, enter the maximum number of repeats permitted, this defaults to the practice wide limit:
Select OK to save.
If you try to create a Repeat Master with a number of repeats greater than, either your prescriber limit, or if no prescriber limit is set, the practice wide limit the following warning displays:
Select OK and reduce the number of Repeats in the master.