Vision Release DLM 710
Summary of Changes
December 2019
Consultation Manager
- - Query to Steve
- Test Results - The following SDA results screens have been updated to include a numeric Value:
- Faecal Occult Blood
- Serum Amino Acids
- Microscopy, Culture & Sensitivities
- Procedures, Specimens And Samples
- Film Report
- Iron Studies
- Haemoglobin Variants
- Microscopy For Malarial Parasites
- Haematology Screening Tests
- Sickle Cell Disease Screen
- Rubella Test
- Glandular Fever Test (Monospot)
- Chlamydia Test
- Chemical Function Tests
- Lipoprotein Electrophoresis
- Glucose Tolerance Test
- Blood Gases
- Biochemical Screening Tests
- Guthrie Test
- Schilling Test - B12 Absorption
- Disaccharidase Tolerance Test
- Pregnancy Test
- Cerebro-Spinal Fluid Examination
- Vomit Examination
- Synovial Fluid Examination
- Bone Marrow Examination
- Pleural Fluid Examination
- Sputum Examination
- Ascitic Fluid Examination
- Calculus Examination
- Amniotic Fluid Examination
- Mid-Stream Specimen Of Urine
- Histology
- Genetic Observations
- Other Diagnostic Imaging
- Immunisations - The following immunisations have been updated:
Meningitis ACW & Y vaccination declined - Read code 657J500 now defaults to the Immunisation Consent SDA, any existing records with this code are automatically moved to the correct SDA as part of this install.
- BCG - The inappropriate age warnings that display when you record a BCG have been removed and the Reason now defaults to Special Risk Group.
- Co-ordinate My Care (where available) - You can now see if a patient has a care plan from the patient record in Consultation Manager:
Patient has a CMC care plan, launch CMC to view and update the patient's plan - Displays if a plan exists, select to trigger the plan.
This patient does not have a CMC care plan yet, launch CMC to create one - Displays if a plan exists, select to trigger a plan.
Scotland only
Emergency Care Summary (ECS) and Key Information Summary (KIS)
The following changes have been made to the Emergency Care Summary (ECS) and Key Information Summary (KIS) functionality as part of this release:
- Special Note - The following changes are part of the DLM 710 update:
- When you add a Special Note to a patient, it is now added to the patient record as a Medical History entry with a Read code of 9bK5.00 Special patient note. As part of this update, the most recent existing Special Note - Notepad record for each patient is automatically converted to the correct format. The original Notepad record is not deleted:
If a Special Note has an expiry date, a Recall is added to the patient record.
- When you add a Special Note to a patient, it is now added to the patient record as a Medical History entry with a Read code of 9bK5.00 Special patient note. As part of this update, the most recent existing Special Note - Notepad record for each patient is automatically converted to the correct format. The original Notepad record is not deleted:
- DNACPR - Has DNACPR Form has been removed to avoid ambiguity. The following option is still available:
Resuscitation status - Select from:
- 1R00.00 For attempted cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or
- 1R10.00 Not for attempted CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).
Note - Existing entries for 1R0..00 For resuscitation and 1R1..00 Not for resuscitation, are still valid for ECS and included in the extract.