SCCRS Exclusion Message
SCCRS sends exclusion messages for patients whom it is deemed inappropriate to call for cervical cytology screening. The SCCRS exclusion message consists of:
- Exclusion Reason - The reason why the patient should be excluded from the recall system. There are two ways the exclusion reason can be given by:
- Free Text, for example, Smear in Progress, or
- Read code, the only exclusion reason is 9O8S. Cervical Smear Defaulter. Note - A Medical History alert is also generated which displays on the Alerts pane.
- Date of Exclusion - The start date of the exclusion period. This also depicts the commencement date of a Data Entry Caution.
- Exclusion End Date - The end of the exclusion period, in the form of a recall date. This also ends the Data Entry Caution time period.
- Closed - If the closed field is populated with Yes, the previous data entry caution is closed.
- Next Recall Date - If there is a date received, a new recall entry for the next smear due is created.
If you try to enter recall or smear data during an exclusion period, you are prompted with a Data Entry Caution.
Viewing SCCRS Exclusions in Consultation Manager
When a SCCRS Exclusion message files into Consultation Manager, different entities are generated in the Patient Record depending on whether the exclusion message is a Cervical Smear Defaulter or has another reason for exclusion:
- SCCRS Non-Defaulter Exclusions - When a Non-Defaulter Exclusion message files into a patient record, the following are generated:
- A Data Entry Caution with an exclusion period.
- An Alert in the alerts pane displaying that the patient is a non-Defaulter.
Non-Defaulter messages may contain a new Recall entry for when the default period expires.
All existing smear recalls are cancelled.
- SCCRS Smear Defaulter Exclusions - When Cervical Smear Defaulter messages file into a patient record, the following are generated:
- A Medical History Read code entry of Cervical Smear Defaulter 9O8S.00.
- A Data Entry Caution with a 3 year exclusion period.
- An Alert in the alerts pane displaying that the patient is a Defaulter.
Non-Defaulter messages may contain a new Recall entry for when the default period expires.
All existing smear recalls are cancelled.
Defaulter Alert
A Medical History Alert is created in the Alerts pane in Consultation Manager for defaulter SCCRS exclusions. This acts as a warning that the patient has been excluded from the Smear recall system for a certain period of time.
To view full details for the alert, double click on the Medical History Alert.