Problem Orientated Medical Records

Problem orientated medical records (POMR) enable you to:

  • Create a defined database of information to display relevant information.
  • Create a problem list defined by your patient's needs.
  • Form initial plans of action for each problem with a view of a patient's other problems.
  • Progress records on each problem documenting:
    • Follow-ups.
    • Changes in management of condition.
    • Final Progress/Discharge details.

Consultation Manager views 6, 7 and 8 enable you to view problems and assist in managing a patient’s fully POMR, see Consultation Manager Setup - Patient Record for details.

To view problems, from Consultation Manager with a patient selected, select the Problems tab:

Note - If you are using POMR, it is recommended you set the Problems tab to be your initial view, see Data View Options for Tabs for details.

Creating and Managing Problems (3.23)

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