Saving Guideline as an Attachment

You can save a Guideline as a .gif file and attach it to a referral.

  1. From Consultation Manager with the required patient selected, select the Guideline required.

  2. From the Guideline, select Attach and the Attachments - Add screen displays.

  3. Update the details and add any details in Summary as required.

  4. Select OK to save.

The entry can now be attached to a referral as required.

Note - It works best in terms of display for Guidelines with the standard black or blue on white background. Coloured Guidelines do not display well.
Note - If a Guideline has a Category of Report, then it goes straight to the printer before you can use the Attach . Should you wish to attach a report, make a copy of the report as a Local Guideline: in Select Guidelines, highlight the report, select Copy and then from Plan Header - Copy screen, enter a new Guideline Mnemonic (10 characters), and make sure the Category is Local Guideline. Add it to the Local Guideline or Report Index. When you select it from the Local Index, it displays, giving you a chance to save it as an attachment.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.