Creating a Local Guideline Index

A Local Guideline Index is a Guideline which consists of a series of Guideline jumps, and is designed in the same way as any other Guideline. By embedding Guidelines or Guideline jumps, you can set up your own Guideline index or indices to cover different situations. It is designed exactly the same as any other Guideline.

See Patient Reports Overview for help with including a report in the Local Reports Index.

The Local Guideline Index needs to list any of your local Guidelines so you can select them from within a patient record:

  1. From Consultation Manager, select Guidelines - Select Guideline.
  2. In Mnemonic, enter 'U_INDEX' and press Enter on your keyboard. This lists the U_INDEX: Local Guideline Index.
  3. Highlight the Local Index and select View.
  4. Select Design mode , the text line is framed, to show it is selected. Anything you now add goes on the next line.
  5. Select Embed a Guideline and the Select Guideline by Mnemonic screen displays.
  6. Enter U_Reports, press Enter on your keyboard and select OK. This is the Local Reports Index.
  7. Select Embed a Guideline again. Making sure that Centrally issued and Reports are unticked.
  8. Select a Local Guideline that you want to add by either typing its mnemonic or just pressing Enter on your keyboard and selecting from the list available.
  9. Select OK to save.
  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 until you have built up your Guideline list. Do not include any of the Management Plans with mnemonics starting with @, these are better accessed from the Navigation Pane.
    Remember - You can change the order of the list by dragging and dropping the blue sub-headings.
    Note - If you want to categorise your local guidelines, add suitable sub-heading lines followed by the embedded guideline. For example, Data Entry, Disease Management, Nursing, Drugs, Administration.
  11. Finally, select Save and exit. You can check your new entry is where you expected it, select Local Guidelines .
  12. Now you need to fill out your Local Reports Index. From Select Guidelines, enter U_Reports, press Enter on your keyboard and then select View.
  13. Select Design mode .
  14. Select Embed Guideline .
  15. From the Select Guideline screen, enter part of or the whole of a local report name, or untick Locally Generated and Centrally Issued and just press Enter on your keyboard.
  16. Select the report required.
  17. Repeat the steps 14 - 16 until you have built up a list of local reports.
  18. Select Save and then Close .

Go to the Guidelines tab and try out your new Local Guideline Index. You should be able to single click on the Local Reports line to expand the list of local reports. (Because U_Reports is classed as a Local Guideline in its Header screen, it should behave like that. If it goes to print when you double click on it, make sure the Header screen has the Category as a Local Guideline, and not as a Report).

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.