Prescribing Electronic Repeat Dispensing

The following is an overview of how electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD) works in Vision 3:

  1. From Consultation Manager, select the patient required in the usual way, see Selecting a Patient for details if required.
  2. From the patient record, select the Therapy tab and add the repeat details as usual, or highlight an existing repeat and reauthorise, see Adding a Repeat Prescription and Reauthorising Repeats for details if required.
  3. To turn the Repeat Master into an electronic Repeat Dispensing item, tick Batch:

  4. Now enter the number of repeats required. The repeat until date and interval calculate automatically but can be updated if required.
  5. Select OK to save.
  6. Press F9 on your keyboard and Prescription Manager displays:

  7. Check the details, items for Electronic Repeat Dispensing create Electronic +Token prescriptions .
    Remember - The message is the legal entity.
  8. Select Finalise and the Apply Advanced Electronic Signature screen displays:

  9. Review the patient and drug details and then either:
    • Enter your Smartcard passcode to sign the prescription now, or
    • Tick Sign Later.
  10. Once the message is digitally signed, a single Repeatable Prescription Authorising Token print on FP10 paper, batch issues do not print. Give the token to the patient to take to their nominated pharmacy.
Training Tip - You should instruct the patient that they can collect subsequent repeat items from their nominated pharmacy without contacting the surgery.
Note - Electronic Repeat Dispensed items can be cancelled in Vision 3 at anytime until they are downloaded by the dispensing contractor.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.