Prescription Manager - Right Click Menu

Note - You must have a prescriber selected to access the right click menu.

The following options are available from the right click menu within Prescription Manager:

Right click on an item and select from:

  • Script type:
    • Electronic
    • Electronic + Token
    • Dual
    • Paper
  • Nomination:
    • No Nominated Dispenser
    • Community Pharmacy
    • Appliance Contractor
    • Dispensing Doctor
  • Urgency - By default, all items are non-urgent, but you can right click on the blue prescription page header and change the status:
    • Non-urgent - When you select Print/Finalise, the prescription prints and the message is sent when you deselect the patient.
    • Urgent - When you select Print/Finalise, the prescription prints and the message is sent immediately.

Right click on a blue prescription header line and select:

  • Paper - To change from electronic to paper prescriptions, Prescription Manager refreshes with new prescription page groups.
  • Non-urgent - When you select Print/Finalise, the prescription prints, and the message is sent when you deselect the patient.
  • Urgent - When you select Print/Finalise, the prescription prints and the message is sent immediately.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.