Display Previous Consultation View
To reach the Consultation View screen for previous consultations:
- First list the patient's consultations by selecting Consultation - List Consultations; or by clicking on
or press F10 View patient record and select the Consultation Tab on the tabbed Data view.
- Then, pointing to the consultation line of the date you want to review, click with the right mouse button and click with the left mouse on Consultation View.
This lists the Topics in that consultation - each different topic has a different tab - and the items within each topic.
- To see more details, point to the line you want to review, and click with the right mouse button, then click on the options:
- Item View - for the display screen with full details added at data entry, for example, History Display, Therapy Display, Blood Pressure Display.
- List - listing all entries in the category corresponding to the line you selected, for example, History List, Therapy List, Blood Pressure List.
- Graph - if a numerical result, eg a BP.
- Problems - for the Current Problem screen (see Old Problems screens).
- Edit - this displays the Update screen for the corresponding category, for example, History Update (note you cannot edit or delete Therapy items if they have been printed).
- Delete - in order to delete the item (except printed Therapy items).