Vision 3 Appointment Call Display

The Vision 3 Appointment Call Display (ACD) is an optional purchase linked to a visual call sign and triggered from the Consultation Manager Appointments tab.

To utilise the ACD for a session, from the Appointments tab, tick ACD on the booking form.

You can now either:

  • Right click on appointment line and select Call Patient, or

  • Select Call Patient from the booking form.

The ACD Warning screen displays, select either:

  • Yes, to display the patient name on the call board, or

  • No, to open the patient's record but not visually call the patient.

ACD Options

To set up the details for your ACD, select View ACD Options :

Complete as required:

  • Use the clinician's name and location - Select and enter your name and location exactly as you want it to display on the call board, or
  • Use the text below - Select and enter any text you want to display.
    • Centre the message - Tick to display the text message in the middle of the call board.
  • Disable call display - Select to inactivate the call display.
  • Confirm before calling each patient - Tick to display a double check message before calling the patient via the ACD.
  • Automatically display when ACD switched on - Tick to use these settings whenever the ACD is available for use.

Select OK to save.

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.