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How to Filter Histories to Exclude Specific Priorities

Suppose your district nurses entered all their entries as priority 6, but the GPs did not want to include these priority 6 entries when they viewed History entries. You can set this up for each user.

  1. First decide on the priority the nurses are to use and set this as a default for data entry, e.g. 6, in Consultation Options Setup - DataEntry (at the foot of the screen). This will have to be done for each user logged on.
  2. Next, you want remove these priority numbers from the GPs view. The GP can set up an Initial Filter containing only the items he/she wants. First make sure you are using a Vision 3 View that contains the Filtered tab. For example, to display Initial View 4, go to Consultation Options Setup - Patient Record, Vision 3 Views, then click Standard System-distributedOptions and choose Initial View 4.
  3. Now, with a patient record displayed, right click on the word Initial Filter at the top left of the navigation pane and choose Show items with nodata
  4. Click on the heading Medical History to expand it, and select Medical History again. You should now have an expanded list of all the available priorities, starting with Sensitive and then 1-9. 
  5. Use Control-click (hold the Control key down and click with the left mouse) to highlight all except the district nurse priority you have decided upon. 
  6. Now right click on Initial Filter again and choose Save selection as Initial Filter - and you may prefer to deselect the Show items with nodata option now that it has served its purpose.
  7. When you next select a patient, the Filtered tab shows only selected priority numbers by default. 
  8. Clicking on the Medical History main heading on the navigation pane, however, displays ALL priority numbers and you can return to the saved view by clicking Initial Filter again.
  9. The changes you have made are, thus far, personal to the user logged on AND restricted to the view you have been amending.
  10. Now, either tell all the GPs how to amend their own Initial Selection in the same way, OR as this selection is now saved as part of the view for the user logged on, you can Publish it so that others can select it. To do this, go to Consultation Options Setup again, select Patient Record, and in My PersonalisedSettings, highlight the view you have just amended (it is by default) and first rename it so that it is suitably described, e.g. if you have amended Initial View 4, rename it as Initial View 4 no priority 6 then click Publish. This amended View Filter is now available under Practice Defined Options for others to select.
  11. You can do a similar thing for the district nurses so that their Initial Filter displays ONLY the priority 6 records. 
  12. You can also amend the view so that you have a Filtered Journal Tab with Priorities rather than the default which does not include the priority number in the display. If the priority numbers are displayed, you can then click on the column heading to quickly sort by priority. See Change what displays on the History tab in History tab.