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If a line is marked as selectable, then when it is clicked (or the space bar pressed), the line will be highlighted and an action such as printing allowed to be carried out.

If it is non-selectable, then clicking on it will expand or collapse the line. Only lines with no lower levels can be selectable, as clicking on these lines expands or collapses them.

If you have made a line non-selectable, in design mode you may mark the line as selectable regardless of whether or not the lines have lower level (children) lines (usually the selectable line is the last of a level of lines - the Select option will simply not work when you come to use the report.

You may see a message telling you an item is non-selectable at the end of creating or amending a line. Answer Yes to make a line selectable if there is no lower level of line after it, ie a Patient Data.