Caution Codes

Caution Codes are warning messages that print on a dispensing label.

To view caution codes link to a therapy item:

  1. From Consultation Manager , select the patient required.
  2. Select the Therapy tab and press <Esc>, the Therapy - Add screen displays.
  3. Double click in Drug, or press <F3>, Select Drug displays.
  4. From Drug Name, select the item required.
  5. Right click on the therapy required in the dictionary list and select Caution Codes.
  6. The Caution Codes screen displays, and any caution code messages already allocated display:

To see the position of a caution code on a dispensing label, from the Vision front screen, select Modules - Drug Label Design.

Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.