Therapy - Appliances

Appliances include items such as colostomy bags, other stoma aids, bandages, lint, breast shields. These can be difficult to search for by name, though entering a Brand name, for example Unique, is one option. If you know the order number, you can use this.

To select an appliance by order number:

  1. From Therapy - Add, in Drug Name enter either:
    • # followed by the appliance reference number, for example, #1460, or
    • #1 using the first one or two characters of the code.
  2. Press <Enter>, either the product meeting your code or the one closest to your short code displays.
  3. If the appliance is not the one you require, press <F3> for the Select Drug screen, highlight the appliance required and select OK.
  4. Select Preparation to see the pack size of this appliance and enter a number in Quantity accordingly.

Training Tips:

  • Place _ anywhere in your search to return items that have this number sequence from the second and onwards characters from this point.
  • Place % before your search to return items that have this number sequence anywhere in their order number.
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