Recent Tab

The Recent tab displays prescriptions added since the date specified in Show prescriptions from last, by default 28 days.

Status - Printed

Once printed, items have a status of Printed. Items with this status can be reprinted. You can reprint a prescription from the Recent or Search tabs.

Important - The exception is when you have just switched to using ,Prescription Manager drugs printed before the switch are not assigned to a prescription and so cannot be re-printed. Initially, your Recent, Search and All tabs are blank. In this case, in order to reprint an item, you should delete the original item from the therapy list, re-add and issue.

To reprint a prescription:

  1. From Consultation Manager, select the patient required.

  2. Press F9 on your keyboard or from either the Current or the Scripts tab, select Show Prescription on the Therapy toolbar.

  3. Select the Recent tab and update the Show prescriptions from last if required.

    Note - Show prescriptions from last defaults to 28 days.
  4. Tick the item(s) required and select Reprint .

The word REPRINT appears above the drug name on the prescription.

Status - Ready

An item with the status of Ready means it has been issued, you have pressed F9 or Print once, but not actually printed it. This item can be printed using Print .

Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.