Inactivating and Reactivating Repeat Masters

Inactivating and Reactivating Repeat Masters (1.29)

Inactivating a Repeat

You cannot delete repeat masters once they have issues against them, if you need to stop a repeat master being used, it must be inactivated.

To inactivate a repeat master:

  1. From Consultation Manager , select the patient required.
  2. Select the Therapy tab.
  3. To inactivate:
    • One item - Highlight it.
    • More than one item - Tick all those you want to inactivate.
      Note - If you use inactivation reasons all the items selected are allocated the same inactivation reason.
  4. Select Inactivate .
  5. If you have Enable Inactivation/Reactivation Reason ticked in Consultation - Options - Setup - Therapy - Repeats, the Inactivation Reason screen displays, select up to five reasons in order of priority, see Therapy Inactivation Reasons, otherwise, select Yes to confirm the inactivation.
Note- Expired items, those that have run out of repeat issues or reached their Repeat Until Date, are automatically inactivated and assigned the repeat inactivation reason Reauthorisation.
Note - When patients are transferred out via registration, all their active repeat masters are inactivated and assigned the inactivation reason De-registered.

Inactivated items are listed with Inactive Item beside them.

To display inactive repeats, ensure Filter Inactive Repeats is not depressed.

Reactivating a Repeat

To reactivate a repeat master:

  1. From Consultation Manager , select the patient required.
  2. Select the Therapy - Repeat tab.
  3. To reactivate:
    • One item - Highlight it.
    • More than one item - Tick all those you want to reactivate, if you use reactivation reasons all the items selected are allocated the same reactivation reason(s).

    and select Reactivate Repeat .

  4. The Reactivation Reason screen displays, select as required.
  5. Select OK to save and close.

Viewing the Inactivation/Reactivation Reason

You can view the inactivation or reactivation reasons for a repeat therapy from both the Journal and the Therapy tabs in Consultation Manager, they also display if the therapy is included in a Problem.

Inactivation and reactivation reasons are sent as part of a GP2GP transfer message.

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