Deleting a Repeat Issue

Deleting a Repeat Issue (1.13)

If appropriate you can delete or cancel any issue of a repeat master.

To delete an issue:

  1. From any screen in Consultation Manager, select the patient required.

  2. From any screen, locate the issue you want to delete, right click and select Delete.

  3. The Therapy - Delete screen displays, select Delete.

  4. If the issue selected is not the latest, a message displays to warn you, select Yes to continue.

  5. The Delete patient data screen displays:

  6. Select the reason for deletion from the available options, enter Additional information if appropriate and select OK.

  7. The Cancel Prescription Reason screen displays, select a reason and enter Additional text if appropriate.

  8. If you select to delete the latest issue of a Repeat Master, the issue is deleted and the number issued is rolled back by one, for example, issue 4 of 4 would show as 3 of 4. The issue no longer displays on the patient record.

    If you select to delete an issue that is not the latest, for example, 4 of 4 have been issued, but issue 3 is being deleted, it displays on the patient record as cancelled:

    Note - If this is an electronic prescription, you are warned that the cancellation is transmitted automatically.
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