Selecting a Patient - Branch Patients Only

If you have multiple locations set up, for example, different branches of your practice, you can display patients registered at your current location.

Important - You must record where the patients notes are kept in their Registration record to use this functionality, see RegistrationHelp Centre - Other Tab for details.

To filter patients registered at your current location:

  1. From any patient centric Vision 3 module, for example, Consultation Manager, select Select Patient .
  2. Tick Current Branch Only - 'Branch Name':

  3. Now search for a patient in the usual way, Vision 3 only returns patient that match your criteria and are recorded as having their notes kept at your current location.

To return to searching the full register, simply remove the tick in Current Branch Only - 'Branch Name'.

Note - This option is only available if you have at least one active Branch set up.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.