Adding a Non-drug Allergy or Intolerance

To add a non-drug allergy, fro example, a pollen or peanut allergy:

  1. From Consultation Manager, select the patient required and start a consultation if required.
  2. In Read Term - Add enter a keyword and press return on your keyboard, if the Read code returned is not correct, press F3 on your keyboard to locate the correct Read code:

  3. Select OK and the Allergy and Intolerance Non Drug - Add screen displays:

  4. Complete as required:
    • Reaction Type - The default is Allergy but you can also select Adverse Effect or Intolerance.
    • Severity - Select as appropriate.
    • Certainty - Select as appropriate.
    • Notes - Enter any comments you require.
  5. Select OK to save.
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