GP2GP - Importing a Docman Record - Scotland only

Once you register a new patient on Vision 3, a message is sent to the Practitioner Services Division (PSD) requesting the records.

To import GP2GP records:

  1. Log in to Docman if required and select Patients:

  2. The Patient Search screen displays, select Import.

  3. Docman checks for any new patient records and if any are found the GP2GP Import screen displays, counting through as each record imports:

    Once the import is complete, the GP2GP Import Process Complete message displays, select OK.

  4. The GP2GP Import report screen displays showing the reason(s) any records were skipped during the import process. Select OK.

    See Docman Help for details on rectifying skipped records.
  5. Any imported records are now available within Mail Manager for filing.

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