Adding Reminders to Identify Patients with a GP2GP Record

We recommend you draw attention to patients with GP2GP imported records. This ensures your staff are aware that the record they are viewing does not necessarily follow your practice protocols. This is done by adding a reminder to the yellow post-it within Consultation Manager.

To add a reminder:

  1. From either:
    • Mail Manager , with the GP2GP message highlighted, select ConMgr , or
    • Consultation Manager , select the patient required.
  2. Select Add - Reminders.
  3. Type in the reminder text, for example 'Incoming GP2GP Record received 25.05.2021'. This helps clinicians see that entries preceding this date are from a previous practice.
  4. Select OK.
  5. Right click on the yellow reminder that displays in the top right corner and select Add.
  6. Type in the reminder text, for example 'GP2GP Record - Not yetSummarised'.
  7. Select OK to save.
Remember - Delete the 'Not yet summarised' reminder line once the notes are summarised.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.