Summary and Consent Status

To view the patient consent status for all summaries:

  • From Consultation Manager, select List - ECS Summary Management. The full patient’s summary and consent status is initially hidden, but a summary for each service is indicated by the consent status traffic lights.

Note - Patients who do not have a Permanent registration status, and are therefore not eligible for ECS, display grey traffic lights.

The Consent Status traffic lights indicate the following:


  • (inactive) ECS not enabled
  • (green) ECS enabled and consented to by this patient
  • (yellow) ECS enabled, implied consent for patient in the absence of a specific record
  • (red) ECS enabled, consent is denied for this particular patient

The ECS Consent Report can be run to view all patients with an ECS Consent entry recorded. See ECS Reporting for details.


  • (inactive) ECS not enabled, or if ECS is enabled the patient does not have:
    • a KIS consent record
    • a decision to send
    • a special note
    Note- This does not indicate an error, but suggests that the patient is probably not a ‘KIS patient'
  • (green) KIS data will be sent
  • (yellow) This state does not occur
  • (red) KIS data will not be sent. If data has been sent previously a blank record is sent to clear the record.


  • (inactive) ECS not enabled or if ECS is enabled the patient has neither a PCS consent record nor a palliative care plan record

    Note - This does not indicate an error, but suggests that the patient is probably not a 'PCS patient'.

  • (green) PCS upload is valid and consented to, a palliative care plan record exists
  • (yellow) PCS upload is valid and consented to, but no palliative care plan record exists therefore is not valid for sending
  • (red) PCS upload is disabled due to lack of consent (ECS and/or PCS)
See Adding Consent Status for further details.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.