Recording an Initial Palliative Care Plan

To record an initial palliative care plan:

  1. From Consultation Manager, select List - ECS Summary Management - Palliative Care Summary.
  2. Select Add:

  3. The Palliative Care Plan - Add screen displays:

  4. Complete as required:
    • Date of Establishing Plan - Defaults to today’s date, change if appropriate.
    • Clinician - Defaults to the clinician logged in, if a member of staff is logged in the default is either the Usual or Registered GP.
    • Read Term - Defaults to 8CS..Agreement of care plan.
    • Date of Agreement - Enter the appropriate date.
    • Last ECS Upload Date - Completes automatically.
    • GP to Sign Death Cert - Tick if appropriate.
    • Death Cert Notes - Enter notes if appropriate.
    • Palliative Care Review Date - Enter the date for a review.
    • Review Date Notes - Enter review notes if required.
    • Notes - Enter notes if required.
  5. Select OK to save and close.
  6. The Palliative Care Plan details display, in a truncated form, at the top of the Palliative Care Summary tab.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.