Setting Up Default Referrals and Requests

Default referrals/requests can be used for those referrals/requests that use common data, for example, your ENT referrals will usually go to the same department and provider.

Default referrals/requests can then be either:

  • Selected as required


  • Triggered by specified Read codes. You can set up more than one default for each Read code should you have a choice of providers in your area
Note - Pathology test requests are a type of referral for which you can set up defaults and are included in the list of Default Referrals/Requests.
  1. From Consultation Manager , select the patient required and start a consultation if required.
  2. There are two ways to set up default referrals/requests either:
    • Select List - Default Referrals/Requests, right click in Select Default and select Add Default.


    • From within the Referral - Add or Request - Add screen, complete the screen in the usual way and then select Default . Any details added to the referral/request are carried through to the default.
  1. The Defaults for Referrals/Requests - Add screen displays:

  1. Complete as follows:
    • Description - Enter a brief description of the default referral or request, we recommend you prefix this with the hospital initials, for example SLH - ENT Routine, WGH - Haematology, WGH - Respiratory Problems.
    • Auto Save - Tick to save a referral or request without displaying the Referral - Add or Request - Add screen, if any mandatory details are not completed the screen displays regardless. Leave unticked to display the - Add screen and print the referral letter or request labels.

    • Always Private - This has three states:
      • Greyed out - The referral/request defaults to the patient's registration status, for example a private patient results in a private referral.
      • Ticked - The referral is always private
      • Unticked - The referral/request is always NHS.
    • In Practice - This has three states:
      • Greyed out - Follows the Source choice.
      • Ticked - The referral/request is always made from your practice.
      • Unticked - To record incoming referrals/requests from elsewhere.
    • Select Letter - Select Select Letter and select the default referral letter if required.
    • READ Term for Referral Reason - Select the Read code to trigger this default referral, this can be a very general code, for example simply H for respiratory problems, see Finding a Read Code for details.
    • Source - Select if required.
    • Referral Type - Select from the list available.
    • Attendance Type - Select if required.
    • Urgency - Select if required.
    • Contract Status - Select if required.
    • Action Date - The date by which you would expect treatment to have started. Enter a time period here, for example, 7D for seven days, or 3M for three months. Action dates can be searched on, there are no actions triggered once overdue.
    • Unit - Select if required
    • Department - Select if required.
    • Consultant - Select if required.
    • NHS Specialty - Select if required.
    • TP Specialty - Select if required.
Provider details are set up from Control Panel, see Adding Hospitasl or NHS Trusts for further details.
  1. Select OK to save and close.

Any existing Referral/Request Defaults can be displayed from List - Default Referrals/Requests.

See Adding a Referral - England and Adding a Request for further details.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.